D-CI-DS-23 Reliable Test Camp - Exams D-CI-DS-23 Torrent

D-CI-DS-23 Reliable Test Camp - Exams D-CI-DS-23 Torrent

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EMC Dell Cloud Infrastructure Design 2023 Sample Questions (Q157-Q162):

What is an advantage of using a brownfield infrastructure?

  • A. Avoids older and less efficient processes
  • B. Promotes staff familiarity with technology
  • C. Enables migration to new technologies
  • D. Avoids upgrades to existing infrastructures

Answer: B

Refer to the exhibit.

Your company is currently using a traditional SAN storage network. The server infrastructure is partially virtualized. There is a public cloud in place that is used to test development and application migration to cloud.
Business requirements:
- Consolidate the network, storage, and compute resources
- Simplify network management and storage provisioning
- Maintain application performance
- Need to share resources to reduce cost and improve efficiency
Other considerations:
- Monitoring of protection SLAs
- All transactions must be logged for auditing review
- Users are validated using internal credentials
Refer to Case 4.
You are sizing the compute capacity nodes in a hyper-converged infrastructure solution. Each node has 35 TB of storage capacity. You have calculated the total cloud storage requirement to be 700 TB.
What is the minimum number of nodes required?

  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. 2
  • D. 3

Answer: B

What are key benefits of ITaaS compared to traditional IT processes?

  • A. Strong policies, DevOps, and software licensing
  • B. Ticket-based service model, cost, and chargeback
  • C. Service catalog, SLA-driven management, and chargeback
  • D. Tiered services, integrated inventory management, and SLA-driven profit model

Answer: C

Which type of storage is used to store data using a flat address space based on content?

  • A. Cloud
  • B. Object
  • C. File
  • D. Block

Answer: B

Refer to the exhibit.

Your company is currently using a traditional SAN storage network. The server infrastructure is partially virtualized. There is a public cloud in place that is used to test development and application migration to cloud.
Business requirements:
- Consolidate the network, storage, and compute resources
- Simplify network management and storage provisioning
- Maintain application performance
- A disaster recovery plan to meet RTO / RPO targets
Other considerations:
- All data must be secured at rest and in-flight
- Include an app development platform
Refer to Case 6.
You must design the solution to enable external access to the eCommerce application using a Public cloud. The deployment team is concerned about managing multiple network devices and configuration issues.
Which consideration offers best practices to address this concern?

  • A. Multicloud Compliance
  • B. Automation Management
  • C. Physical Server Consistency
  • D. Interoperability

Answer: D


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